Testimony and testimony rectification claim

 Certificates secure your professional advancement. Therefore, there is a right to grant a certificate. This certificate must be formulated benevolently and be truthful at the same time. This is not always easy. Just when you broke up in dispute, the certificate may contain information which is detrimental to employees. Therefore, there is a secret testimony language that you need to know in order to determine whether your testimony really certifies you a good performance. We therefore formulate certificates and check your testimony.

Representation of works councils and election committees

 Whether collecting employee representation bodies or co-determination law, employees may exert influence on their business in many different ways. No matter if it concerns information obligations, consultation rights and participation of your company, we will help and advise you in the exercise of your rights.

Part-time work and fixed-term contracts

There is often a claim to part-time work. We will tell you when there is a claim and whether and how it can be enforced.

Fixed-term contracts are only allowed in a restricted way. Offenses against the rules to limit have serious consequences. Workers can cross over in a permanent employment relationship and can have it asserted it in court under certain circumstances.

Wrongful dismissal

Wrongful dismissal are often the only way to maintain the employment relationship, or at least negotiate a settlement. If the termination occurs in the mailbox, a quick reaction is required. Within three weeks, the unfair dismissal claim must be filed with the Labour Court. If this short deadline is missed, termination might come into effect, regardless of whether or not there was a reason for termination.


FMR Rechtsanwälte
Erkrather Straße 220 b
40233 Düsseldorf


Phone: +49(0)211 / 88 00 588
Fax:       +49(0)211 / 83 69 111
E-Mail: info@fmr-kanzlei.de